LDM Office Baran
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  LDM (Lead District Manager) Office :

Mr. Janved Meena
LDM Baran


हम बैंक के माननीय अध्यक्ष एवं प्रबन्ध निदेशक के आभारी हैं जिनके मार्गदर्शन एवं निर्देशानुसार अग्रणी बैंक बारां की वेबसाईट  www.ldmbaran.co.in  जारी की है। इस वेबसाईट के द्वारा आमजन बैंकों की सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इस वेबसाईट में सभी बैंकों की तिमाही प्रगति एवं सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी व सभी बैंकों का सर्विस एरिया प्लान सम्मिलित है। हमें समय-समय पर सुझाव व मार्गदर्शन देकर इस वेबसाईट को और भी जनोपयोगी बनाने में सहयोग प्रदान करें।


The study group which was presided over by Prof. DR Gadgil recommended in Oct.1969 the adoption of an Area approach for the development of credit and banking in the country on the basis of local conditions. The group suggested earmarking of the districts to Commercial Banks so that they could act as space setters in the districts allotted in providing integrated banking facilities. The Committee of Bankers appointed by RBI under the Chairmanship of Sr. F.K.F. Nariman also endorsed this area approach. RBI accepted the recommendation and formulated the Lead Bank Scheme 9LBS) in Dec.1969. Under the Scheme, each district had been assigned to different banks (public and private) to act as a consortium leader to coordinate the efforts of banks in the district particularly in matters like branch  expansion and credit planning. The LBS did not envisage a monopoly of banking business to Lead Bank in the District. The Lead Bank was to act as a consortium leader for co-ordinating the efforts of all credit institutions in each of the allotted districts for expansion of branch banking facilites and for meeting the credit needs of  the rural economy. In the meanwhile, nationalization of 14 major Commercial Banks in July 1969 (and another 6 banks in 1980), paved the way for bringing about  dramatic changes in their operations. One of the important changes ushered in immediately, was the expansion of the branch network in the unbanked areas with a view to bridge spatial gaps. Banks were directed to open a large number of branches in unbanked rural and semi-urban areas.

1-4-1991 Central Bank of India started a well established Lead District Manager office in Baran it is working at Hospital Road, Baran.  As the effectiveness of the Lead Bank Scheme depends on the dynamism of the District Collector and the LDM, with supportive role of the Regional/Zonal Office, usual role of LDMs like convening meetings of the DCC and DLCR, periodical meetings of DDM//Government officials for resolving outstanding issues etc. Role of the Lead District Manager The Lead District Manager who is appointed by the Lead Bank in the District, plays a key role in ensuring the success of the Lead Bank Scheme. The functions of the LDM include the following:

(i) Identification of potential for formulation of bankable schemes for inclusion in the Annual Credit Plan (ACP)
(ii) Finalisation of District Credit Plan/Annual Credit Plan;
(iii) Allocation of shares of DCP/ACP outlays;
(iv) Monitoring overall progress in physical and financial terms in the implementation of ACP & Government Sponsored Programmes etc.
(v) Reviewing/monitoring of the support forthcoming from the Government departments.
(vi) Reviewing the progress in disposal of loan applications and ensuring that applications are sent in a phased manner and not in bunches in the last quarter of the financial year.
(vii) Identifying problems/bottlenecks in the flow of credit as also of infrastructure inputs etc. and taking steps to overcome them.
(viii) Overseeing and ensuring smooth release of subsidies.
(ix) Monitoring the recovery position of financial agencies and rendering necessary help for recovery of overdues.
(x) Taking up with State Government/SLBC/SLCC, items/issues which could not be tackled at the district level and ensuring proper follow-upthereof, including security arrangements, lack of infrastructural support etc.
(xi) Identification of unbanked centres for opening of branches and reviewing the progress in the opening of branches.
(xii) Evaluation of the ground level implementation of various schemes and benefits accruing there under to the identified beneficiaries.

Lead district Managers objective, role and perception

*  Drawing up the road map for banking penetration
*  Monitoring implementation of Annual Credit Plan
*  Associate with the setting up of Fiancial literacy and Credit Counselling Centres ( FLCCs) , RSETIs by Banks
*  Holding annual sensitization workshop for banks and governments officials with participation by NGOs/Public Relation Instituins(PRIs)
* Arranging for quarterly awareness and feedback public meetings , grievance redressal etc.

National Goal of Domestics Banks



 Priority sector 40 % ANBC or Credit equivalent amount of OFF Balance sheet exposure, which ever is higher ( ANBC=NBC+Banks investment in Non-SLR Bonds held in HTM category)
 Agriculture ( Direct & Indirect) 18 %
 Indirect Agri. (Max) 4.5 %
 Weaker Section 10 %
 DRI 1 % Total Credit ( Min 40% to SC/ST & 2/3rd through Rural/ Sub Branches)
 Women beneficiaries 5 % Net Bank Credit
 Export Credit 12 % But it is not a part of Priority Sector for Domestic Banks





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